Friday 6 January 2012

More Hobbits and some Gaming Markers.

Still inspired by the forthcoming 'Hobbit' film I have got around to finishing off my remaining Games Workshop figures .

Here atop of my battered copy of The Hobbit are some archers.

Some more Hobbit militia - some slight conversions from the standard figures, additional sticks and added hair.

Another Objective marker - a warning beacon.

Although this photo doesn't make it plain - buried treasure being excavated.

Again a rather poor photo - a campfire and weapons. (click on photos to enlarge) . I hope to have a game soon using my newly painted figures. I have just found some plastic Rangers of the North figure sprues so I will be painting them next . ( one I painted earlier appears above with markers ).

1 comment:

  1. Evocative stuff - I'm all in favour of sculpted markers.
