Starting cleaning up the castings , note size of file - industrial use almost !.
Finished figures , they needed a bit of work with 'greenstuff' around the arms and neck. The heads are from Irregular .
Part 2 of my tasks for today, these are some old hollow cast Lifeguard figures that I have been collecting over the last year or so . Got them from a collectors fair at the local leisure centre and off EBay , I would guess them to be about 60+ years old at least , probably Britains or copies.
They very in quality this horse has part of its face missing , a couple have broken swords.
A mixed bunch , at least 3 different types.
Repairs to horse , have mounted the smaller figures on extra bases to make them all the same size.
Swords added using pins ( with ends snipped off for safety )
The end results ready for spraying when filler has dried . In some quarters repainting antique figures is a heresy and devalues the figure but these are to be used in wargaming and so will be given a new lease of life when repainted . When I get them painted I will post pictures .